Sensor List

               ▼ Sensor Name ▼ Class ▼ Type ▼ Model ▼ S/N ▼ Sensor ID ▼ Vessel Location ▼ Use Level ▼ Enabled ▼ Port(s) ▼ Logging ▼ Status ▼ Last Cal ▼ Send To Shore ▼ Current Location ▼ Vessel
1 Details   Plots   Data   Export   3 Way Valve Flowthrough Other unknown M2310267 valve310267 primary True 30302 None file/db in use True installed sav
2 Details     Data   Export   ACS Flowthrough Spectrophotometer WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ac-s in-situ spectrophotometer 411 spectr000411 primary False 30321 None file/db in use True installed sav
3 Details   Plots   Data   Export   CDOM Fluorometer Flowthrough Fluorometer WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO FL(RT) fluorometer 7845 fluoro007845 primary True 30314 None file/db in use True installed sav
4 Details   Plots   Data   Export   Chlorophyll Fluorometer Flowthrough Fluorometer WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO FL(RT) fluorometer 8204 fluoro008204 primary True 30313 None file/db in use True installed sav
5 Details     Data   Export   CO2 Flowthrough pCO2 unknown AC0017 pcotwo000017 primary False 30315 None unavailable True sav
6 Details   Plots   Data   Export   C-Star Flowthrough Transmissometer WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} C-Star CST-25-DR transmissometer 2405 transm002405 primary True 30319 None file/db in use True installed sav
7 Details   Plots   Data   Export   ECO-Triplet BB3 Flowthrough Scatterometer WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO Triplet sensor 7941 ecobbb007941 spare True 30318 None file/db not in use True installed sav
8 Details   Plots   Data   Export   ECO-Triplet BB3 Flowthrough Scatterometer WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO Triplet sensor 7882 ecobbb007882 primary True 30316 None file/db in use True installed sav
9 Details   Plots   Data   Export   ECO-Triplet BB3 Flowthrough Scatterometer WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO Triplet sensor 7905 ecobbb007905 spare True 30317 None file/db not in use True installed sav
10 Details   Plots   Data   Export   Flowmeter Flowthrough Flowmeter unknown N/A flowmt000001 primary True 30309 None file/db in use True installed sav
11 Details   Plots   Data   Export   Gyrocompass Navigation Gyrocompass unlisted 003857 gyro003857 primary True 30311 None file/db in use True installed sav
12 Details     Data   Export   LISST Flowthrough Particle Size Analyzer Sequoia LISST-200X particle size analyser 2223 partic002223 primary False 30320 None file/db in use True installed sav
13 Details   Plots   Data   Export   MET Station Atmospheric Met Station unknown xxxxxx met000000 primary True 30331 None file/db in use True installed sav
14 Details     Data   Export   Mini TDGP Flowthrough Gas Analyzer Pro-Oceanus Mini TDGP submersible dissolved gas sensor 14-872-31 disgas487231 primary False 30322 None file/db in use True installed sav
15 Details   Plots   Data   Export   Oxygen Flowthrough Oxygen Sensor Aanderaa 4330F oxygen optode 6302 oxygen006302 primary True 30323 None file/db in use True installed sav
16 Details     Data   Export   PAR Atmospheric PAR Meter Biospherical Instruments QCR-2150 surface PAR sensor 50362 parqcr050362 primary False 30324 None unavailable True sav
17 Details     Data   Export   pH Flowthrough pH unknown AP0038 ph000038 primary False 30325 None file/db in use True installed sav
18 Details   Plots   Data   Export   Position - Furuno GP90 Navigation GNSS Furuno Navigator GP90 and GP90D Global Positioning System receivers 4400-0417 gnsspo000417 Main Mast primary True 30310 None file/db in use True installed sav
19 Details   Plots   Data   Export   Position - Hemisphere Differential Navigation GNSS Hemisphere GNSS R131 differential global positioning system receiver 882983 gnsspo882983 secondary True 30312 None file/db in use True installed sav
20 Details   Plots   Data   Export   Single Beam Depthsounder Sonar Singlebeam Sonar unlisted 100169100458 echo100458 primary True 30329 None file/db in use True installed sav
21 Details   Plots   Data   Export   SUNA V2 Flowthrough Nitrate Satlantic {Sea-Bird} Submersible Ultraviolet Nitrate Analyser V2 (SUNA V2) nutrient analyser series NTR-1790 nitrat001790 primary True 30326 None file/db in use True installed sav
22 Details   Plots   Data   Export   Thermosalinograph Flowthrough TSG Sea-Bird SBE 45 MicroTSG thermosalinograph 672 tsg000672 primary True 30328 None file/db in use True installed sav
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RCRV Datapresence and Engineering Support Center
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331, USA